Now we have to ask for permission to access Documents, Downloads, Desktop and files on removable volumes ( documentation). There are some additional privacy restrictions on macOS Catalina related to folder access. fix-emacs-permissions-catalina.el ends here ( switch-to-buffer-other-window _temp-buffer) "Emacs requires permission to access files on Removable Volumes. "Emacs requires permission to access the Downloads folder. "Emacs requires permission to access the Documents folder. "Emacs requires permission to access the Desktop folder. ( apply 'call-process "defaults " nil ( current-buffer) nil write-args)) ( defconst write-args ( list "write " _default-emacs-app-plist-path description_key "-string " description)) ( if ( equal 1 ( with-temp-buffer ( apply 'call-process "defaults " nil ( current-buffer) nil read-args))) ( defconst read-args ( list "read " _default-emacs-app-plist-path description_key)) ( defun add-description-if-needed ( description_key description) ( with-current-buffer _temp-buffer ( erase-buffer)) ( defconst _temp-buffer ( get-buffer-create _temp-buffer-name)) ( defconst _temp-buffer-name "*fixing Emacs permissions* ") ( defconst _default-emacs-app-plist-path "/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/ist ") package - Fix permissions for Emacs.app on macOS Catalina